Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kauni Cardigan Progress

Here is the work-in-progress, almost to the armhole steeks. I believe that I am almost through the entire color sequencing and am liking it a whole lot! I did some pencil coloring, as suggested in some other blogs, to see about differing color combinations, but in the end, I just started at the beginning of the two skeins. Of course, the beginnings were just perfect as you can see, since the two colors are one place away from each other on the color wheel.

I've been researching steeks, and finishing them, and such, and have some ideas, but I'll wait and see how it goes at that time. I am such a procrastinator.

This sweater also incorporates the Philosophers Wool technique, using two hands, and weaving every other stitch. Takes a lot longer that way, but is very sturdy fabric.

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